Porsche 356 Tool Kits
Important disclaimer: I am not an expert on 356 tools! I have collected information from multiple sources, including my own observations, and try to present it on this site in a coherent manner. There will always be variations and differences from what is presented here. This site should be considered a work in progress, and not a definitive statement on what is correct for 356 tool kits. Use this site at your own risk, and please tell me if you find errors or can contribute to the site.
Lug wrench
All toolkits had a lugwrench of some kind, although they may have functioned as more than just a tool for removing lugnuts. The earliest Porsches had a Vigot jack, which required a lugwrench to operate. This lug wrench was also equipped with a hubcap remover, which was needed for drum brake cars. Once the 356A was introduced, a separate jack handle was included, and the tool was used only for lugnuts and hubcaps. The 1963 "tie string" tool kit did away with the Hazet 772/2 in favor of a less expensive lug wrench. A result of this was the inclusion of a hubcap puller since the new lug wrench did not have that feature. However, it did double duty as the jack handle. With the advent of the 356C, a slightly fancier lug wrench was introduced, and there was no longer a need for the old style hubcap puller because of the disk brakes.
Pre-A to T5/early T6B:
Hazet 772/2, two main varieties: one prior to a patent being obtained by Hazet, one after. Both had a button at the edge of the rotating handle that when depressed would allow the handle to slide back, revealing a metal peg that could be used as a hubcap remover. The hubcaps had small holes in their perimeter for this purpose.
T6B (late): Combined lug wrench/jack handle (elongated "L" shape), black oxide finish, stamped 19mm at socket end.
C/SC: same as T6B, but brushed chrome finish.
All site content, including images, tables, and text is © 2007 by Eric Cherneff. Duplication in any form is prohibited without express permission. All rights reserved. WANTED: photographs of tool kits and individual tools, and information about them if you can expand or correct the descriptions I have provided on these pages. Contact me: eric@356a.com Also: if you have old tools you want to sell, please tell me. I may be interested. Please visit my Porsche 356 serial number and engine reference site: www.356a.com